
Hi, I'm Sandra - a visual {interface} designer.

Celebrating over 20 years work experience in corporate | print | graphic and software | web | app design. Since chatting away on mIRC back in the mid '90s and designing my first HTML/CSS "Hello, World!" website in '98, experiences in both television and theater production have been added to my portfolio. I also have a strong passion for archaeology.

I was born in Warsaw an raised trilingual in Hamburg speaking English, German and Polish. After attending an international educational system in Hamburg, I studied in England, Germany and Switzerland receiving BA degrees in both visual communication and archaeology. I undertook self-employment in 2007 before being employed at a software company within the digital automotive industry for eight years. I currently reside in Lübeck. Here I worked as a user interface designer at a local company offering both consultancy and software solutions concerning the digital transformation of the public administration sector. Presently I am employed as a UX / UI Designer at a global transport and logistics company. I still offer my expertise to small non-conflicting side projects running on my self-employment, so feel free to get in touch.

I hold a UXQB CPUX-F certificate and am member of organisations such as German UPA and Bitkom.

